Right Playing - Wrong Playing   

Right Playing - Wrong Playing

Carl Erik Kühl

Edition Wilhelm Hansen 2011.
ISBN 9788759819012
Køb hos Saxo

Forlagets beskrivelse

The ever-greater sharpening of one´s attentiveness and sensitivity to the relationship between what one is hearing and its representation in the score is a lifelong project for any classicalmusician.

Right Playing - Wrong Playing is a collection of exercises meant to serve that end. Right Playing - Wrong Playing basically includes a blue and a red book, each with scores, aswell as two blue and two red CDs, and an answer key to the exercises. The repertoire comprisespassages from classical works: orchestral music, choral music, chamber music, songs with accompaniment, and piano pieces. The challenge, then, is to listen to the music with errorson the red CDs, and find the discrepancies in BLUE BOOK, where the correct scores are toobe found, or, vice versa, to listen to the music in the correct version on the blue CDs, and findthe errors in RED BOOK, where these same errors are incorporated into the scores themselves.

Where was the error? What was wrong? What were the musicians playing when not playing what is written? Right Playing - Wrong Playing!

The mistakes correspond to varying levels of difficulty. These may be further adjusted by makinguse of the clues associated with each exercise, which are designed to give helpful information.

Right Playing - Wrong Playing is essentially intended to be used as a basis for self-study. However, it may also be used in class at educational institutions, with each exercise potentiallyserving as a piece of homework

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Right Playing - Wrong Playing
Right Playing - Wrong Playing






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